Encouraging Accountability

This S**t just got real…

So the procrastination is over, a line has been drawn in the sand and I have gone on record with claims about my current project and predictions for the future. A few weeks ago I was gently encouraged at the Healthier Lancashire and South Cumbria digital event to go on camera and talk about just that.

Here it is:

I took some time to reflect on why I would add this pressure to myself. Surely it would be easier to hide away in my office, amassing great knowledge and then present my findings and hope that it makes a difference. But, there are a few things I have realised:

  1. My message is important and my vision is something I truly believe in
  2. What I have said has struck a chord with, not only, Health Professionals, but members of the public who have been really positive about my ideas
  3. I am a great procrastinator and deadlines are my friend
  4. Support networks are key, it is difficult to fix a Health Service alone, so I make an appeal to those who feel my work resonates with you:
    • I want to avoid repetition as Academia, Digital Health startups and established companies focus on solving the same problems in Health and the NHS. I would like to make this call to those who feel what I am doing aligns with your views
    • I want to link to, not only, those afar, but also those close to me, who I may have missed or overlooked in trying to form links

If you share my vision and want to make links or feel you have some really good advice, contact me